Green Geeks Interview
1. Tell us a little bit about your company and your duties in it?
Our company name is GreenGeeks and we’re the leading provider of green energy web hosting. My name is Trey Gardner and I am the CEO. My duties include overseeing the direction of the company and to ensure that we are offering the best web hosting around.
2. It is a very competitive market out there, why do you think people should choose you?
We offer great web hosting products ranging from shared to dedicated, domain registrations, ssl certificates and more. I strongly believe our customer service is one of the best on the market place which is why we’ve been positioned as one of the best out there. In addition to this, a study was done that by 2020, the web hosting industry will be as big a polluter as the airline industry. We allow customers to be carbon negative, which means that we put back more than we take in the form of wind-energy. People should choose us because we’re a great web hosting company and we’re also committed to the environment and our community.
3. In this pool of tools and ways to promote, what marketing strategies do you use?
We use a boat load of marketing strategies that help us reach the masses. We’re really taking to Social Media and making a big push there.
4. What are the main products of your company?
We offer Shared hosting, reseller hosting, VPS hosting and are soon to offer Dedicated Servers.
5. How different is the hosting business nowadays compared to what it was 5 years ago?
There has been a big improvement on ease of use for Open Source scripts. It used to be a hassle for customers to install things like WordPress. Now for example, with GreenGeeks you’re able to install WordPress with a single click and have it also updated with 1 click when an update is available. Other then that, it just has become more competitive as any young industry would.
6. What can we expect from your company in the near future?
As I mentioned earlier, we will be introducing dedicated servers soon. We’re also working a boat load of other cool features that we continue to bring out as time progresses.
7. With three words only, describe your company.
300% Green Hosting
8. Why did you decide to invest in being green?
I’ve always been someone who passionately cares about the environment and after becoming aware of the impact that our industry has and is making on the environment, I decided to step up to the plate and lead by example. We can be green and still offer better quality web hosting that other non-green hosts can.
9. Can you please tell us what measures do you take to stay green?
We use a multitude of ways to stay green, for example we use the latest energy efficient Intel processors, maximize the computing resources we have, we minimize carbon emissions by employing staff that work from home and we also purchase replace 3 times the energy we consume in the form of wind credits through the Bonneville Environmental Foundation for all of our servers and staff work stations.
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